Thursday, June 9, 2011


Julie and Seth have officially finished their first school year of home school! Yay! We have a very packed summer about to get into full swing. Very excited to try some new activities, and have some summer visitors. Hope to get some camping in sometime this summer as well. The kids decided not to do track much to my disappointment. I can't force them though, and I guess it just opens them up for some other activities like hiking. Life is pretty busy these days between all of our activites, preparing for next school year, and helping my mom with her business. I am back in the saddle again so to speak. It was a long break from the super busy when we moved here, but I'm back baby (said like George Castanza)! I have been very careful to not over book myself which used to happen all the time before the big move. Trying to find that balance of activities and home time. Peter is doing well involved in a new series of books right now. He turns the big 3-0 this Saturday, and I am just waiting for that to hit him. He couldn't get the day off for his birthday so we are not really doing much that day, maybe just a cake (his fav-white cake, white frosting). We are also in the process of looking for a new apartment for when our lease comes up in October. This place is just to expensive though we do love this apartment! We are trying to get some debt paid off which means living on as little as possible. We will see the rewards for that some day.... far far from now! As always any questions/comments please post, and I will get back to you asap.

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