Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Counting down

It's almost here, it's almost here! Christmas is a few days away, and we are so ready. Presents are so far out from under the tree we can barely walk through the living room, food is ready to be cooked, and visitors plans are made. The kids are going to have such a wonderful Christmas I just can't wait to see them open their gifts. I am also pretty darn sure I am getting what I have been asking for all year! Money has been so tight this year, but God has blessed us with opportunities to make this year just as exciting as ever. I love that I get to celebrate this year knowing that I am living the life I truly want to live. Life is so good and I am so blessed. Thank you God for sending your son here for me!

Friday, December 9, 2011

'Tis the season

Oh Christmas is upon us, the tree is up, decor is out, and plans are made. So excited for present opening time. I always love watching the kids open everything and be so happy in that moment. My daddy is coming to see me, and dinner is gonna be legen...wait for it...dary. All the kids are getting at least one gift that they really really wanted. We have new exciting prospects on the horizon. Oh it is just a wonderful time of the year. It has been very busy the past couple of weeks, but very good to our family also. I have picked up another child to keep after school to help make ends meat. The kids are very much getting into the "life lesson" series we are working on. Right now our lessons are all about getting out of debt and not being wasteful since that is what we need to do as a family right now. It is just great, lovin' life!