Friday, June 15, 2012

It's been a while

It's been a while since I managed to make a post. So so busy these days with summer activities. Let's start with Sara and Lexie are here for the summer. Four kids in the house and three adults really keeps us all on our toes! Julie, Seth, and Lexie are all doing a track program as well as the boys and girls club this summer. Julie has a week of volleyball (next week), and Julie, Seth, and Lexie have camp for two weeks in July. It has just been so busy always on the go here lately. Paige is doing really well with her dance classes, and has her first recital in August. Planning a camping trip, and the boys are going fishing tomorrow. Can't wait to have some family fun since so far this summer has been some people here some people there no all together type of activities. We are also having a 'no tv summer' so if the kids want television or electronics of any kind they have to earn it with other activities. That has gone surprisingly well considering how much we were in to watching tv before. The summer reading program has been really fun so far, and so much more to come. They have seen a juggler, a magician, and an orphan choir. The kids are all reading for 30 minutes each day which is really difficult some days considering how on the go we are right now. Well I better get back to these kiddo's! See ya on the flip side peeps.