Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gearing up

It's been a long time since I have posted so here I am with the updates. We just returned home from our annual visit to Houston. We had the opportunity to visit with all the family on several occasions and had an over all really great time visiting with everyone. Glad to be home now and eager to finish up the school year now. We are planning a big trip to New Jersey to see family in June/July so that has been fun planning. Julie has decided she is interested in cake decorating so we are going to be signing her up for some classes after the summer. She will be 12 on July 4th and will get the chance to spend her birthday in New Jersey this year. She is very excited about that. She wants nothing more than a birthday cake made at Carlos Bakery. She is really growing up, and I am just so proud of her. She still struggles with her memory retention, but all in all school is going really well this year for her. Seth is going to be 7 on May 29th this year. When did that happen!?! He has such a sweet personality, and has really started to calm down. He is reading fairly well now, but still needs some practice to be at the recommended level for his grade. We are hoping that the long car ride to New Jersey this summer will help get him the practice he needs. He is really athletic, and we are planning to get him signed up for some sports this coming school year. Paige is 3, and will be 4 on October 22nd. She is finally out of the baby stage and is a full fledged kiddo now. She packs a serious punch with her attitude. She is a true little sister expecting big brother and sister to do everything for her. We have all been working hard on making her do things for herself so she can learn. She is still working on her pre-k curriculum and we plan to continue that for another school year. She is doing really well with her school work, and loves the fun activities that go along with it. Peter has remained in college working hard towards a degree in criminal justice. He has been training for some time now to go into the police academy so that is a continued prayer for our family. When he has spare time reading is still his favorite pass time. He has become more handy around the house lately and has been enjoying learning more about household repairs, and working with his hands. As for me I am perpetually in mommy mode. Kids school work, running the household, helping Peter with whatever he might need at the time, and trying to keep our family sane is surely a full time job. We had our trip to Houston now planning a camping trip and the trip to New Jersey this summer keeps me busy. I am also learning to sew with the machine I got for Christmas. It has been a slow process trying to find time to practice, but I am getting there. We are all doing really well and continue to thrive here is Wichita Falls.