Monday, February 25, 2013

It's been been a while

This site has given me issues so I haven't posted for a while. We are full swing into the process of adoption now. Just waiting for the home study to get finished up and approved. We are also working hard to try and buy a home in September. We have gone down to just one car, and hopefully that will help us save. Peter was promoted to Laundry Service Manager at the prison. Praise God for the opportunity for advancement in his career! Julie is going on her first mission trip this March! Can not believe how big she is getting. She has grown in to a wonderful young lady. Seth is doing awesome in school, and sports this year. Paige continues her ballet, and is about to start soccer in April. I am just kinda hanging in there, and playing chauffeur majority of my time. School work is winding down in some ways and just getting started in others. Julie has decided to try and get a year ahead in math so she will be working over the summer for that. I had a not so fun pogo stick accident back in January and have not been able to wear shoes since then. They are still very sore, but slowly getting back to normal. Seth is going to be in his first spelling bee this Friday so that is a very exciting event to look forward to. Poor guy has been studying the wrong list (shame on mom!) so I am not sure how well he will do this year, but he is pumped up and ready for it anyway. Proud of my guy either way! I guess that is about all going on right now. Just keep on keepin' on!